

Clinic Contact Information

Nurse: Julia Phelan

Direct Phone: 401-213-6204

Direct Fax: 401-223-4843

Email: [email protected]

Clinic Clerk: Alexis Turner Direct Phone: 401-213-6182

Email: [email protected]


Upcoming Events and School Screenings

5th Grade Dental Screenings

 The RI Department of Health requires school dental screenings for students in 5th Grade.  Dental screenings will be conducted January 23, 2025.

Your child may be exempt from the school dental screening if they have had a dental exam with their own dental office within the last 6 months.

If you wish to exempt your student, please fill out THIS FORM by January 10, 2025.

5th & 7th Grade Vision Screenings

The RI Department of Health requires school vision screenings for students 5th and 7th Grades.  Vision screenings will be conducted February 4, 2025.

Your child may be exempt from the school vision screening if they have had an eye exam by a vision or primary care provider within the past year.

If you wish to exempt your student, please fill out THIS FORM by January 20, 2025.

Middle School Health Requirements

Requirements for students entering 7th grade

  • 1 dose of HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine
  • 1 dose of Meningococcal Conjugate (MCV4) vaccine
  • 1 dose of Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccine
  • An up to date physical (dated within the last 12 months)

Requirements for students entering 8th grade

  • 2nd dose of HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine

Middle School Screenings
5th Grade: Vision and Dental
6th Grade: Scoliosis
7th Grade: Vision and Scoliosis
8th Grade: Scoliosis

Vision and dental screenings are run by outside providers, details regarding dates and opt-out forms will be sent out to parents and guardians.

Students are exempt from dental screenings with proof of an exam by a family provider within six months of the scheduled screening day.  A Dental Form can be submitted when students have care from a family provider.

Students are exempted from vision screenings with proof of an eye exam (either by an eye care provider, or a primary care provider as part of a routine physical) within a year of the scheduled screening day.

Scoliosis screenings occur throughout the year.  Students will be informed of the process and screened in a private area of the clinic.

Students are exempted from scoliosis screenings by having an up to date physical on file.

Clinic Forms