chariho middle news

Important Dates
- District School Calendar

PowerSchool Parent Link:

Chariho Middle School Frequently Asked Questions

Yondr FAQ: CMS Yondr Pouches FAQ

Attendance is Important: 

Missing school twice a month may not seem like a lot, but it adds up to significant lost learning time over the school year. Regular absences can make it harder to keep up with lessons and lead to gaps in understanding, which can affect grades and overall performance. Good attendance is key for strong study habits and long-term success in school.

See where CMS ranks: RIDE’s Student Attendance Leaderboard shows student chronic absence rates of every school in the state, giving students, parents, and communities a better understanding of attendance patterns in their own schools.

Our goal is to remain under 15%

Attendance Tracker for Families  Chronic Absenteeism in RI   

RIDE Resources

