CMS is excited to welcome all new and returning students, either in-person or virtually, to the this school year. It is our daily expectation that you try your best and be your best, whether you attend school in-person or virtually! We do our very best to be the best teachers and administrators that we can be to ensure you are safe and successful.
As you engage in work this year, please keep in mind Learner Qualities are skills critical to academic and lifelong success in the 21st century. Our school strives to create a learning environment where you can take responsibility and ownership for your learning while demonstrating the Learner Quality in your academic, emotional, and social lives. We encourage you to make the most of your potential.
Our goal is to create a culture that is engaging, motivating, challenging, and relevant, to help prepare you for success in 21st-century skills and life. Throughout the year, you will be engaging in various academic tasks that will prepare you for college and careers. You will continue to write across content areas, read and analyze rigorous text, and build knowledge throughout the different content areas. In math and science, you will engage in experiences that promote conceptual understanding, critical thinking, and making meaning of the content. All we want of you is to complete all of your work on time, try your hardest, and persevere through anything challenging. We expect you to ask for help if you need it, share your expertise with others, and offer solutions that could benefit all as we are here to learn together. School is what you make of it, so take advantage of it and use it as your vehicle for success today and tomorrow.
You can learn and grow from your mistakes. It is important to know that it is okay to fail if you learn from it quickly, try again, and move forward. Remember one thing; you count at Chariho Middle School!
Mr. Zenion, Mrs. Florenz, and the Chariho Middle School Staff
If you would like more information about our school or how you can be involved in our academic journey, please contact us at the middle school.
Email: Greg Zenion & Mary Beth Florenz or call the school at (401) 364-0651.